Al Qaeda has come out with a most interesting statement on human rights and dignity by questioning the “legality” of the United States Government killing Anwar al-Awlaki. Al Qaeda! The same group of thugs and terrorists who have committed murder on thousands upon thousands of human beings (remember 9-11?) including Americans soldiers. The same groups of religious zealots who use beheadings as a means of intimidation (remember Daniel Pearl?). The same group of perverted Muslims who have taken Islam and corrupted it into a Satanic, bloodthirsty, cult. Al Qaeda is concerned that the killing of Awlaki was in some way barbaric and inhumane and “illegal”. Yes! That same bloody Al-Qaeda that’s in the news everyday for blowing up innocent men, women and children using homicide bombers.
(Read here, for a previous column on the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki)
This is a translation of what Al-Qaeda has said about the Awlaki killing from a Jihadist web site:
Where are what they keep talking about regarding freedom, justice, human rights and respect of freedoms!”
Al-Qaeda, the ‘guardian angels” that they are, of course is well documented to have the market cornered on all these concepts, and has a wealth of experience dealing with these issues. Who are these Satan worshipers trying to fool?
Ladies and gentlemen – At a time when America and its allies are at war with these terrorists; when our efforts to destroy and annihilate this unholy mob of murderers and cutthroats has only been hampered by Democrats and liberals who, in their irrational plight to remove conservative and Christian influences from every aspect of American life, society, culture, etc., and replace it with their own socialistic worldview have given Al-Qaeda and other anti-American terrorist organizations all the breathing room, and moral support, they need in order to continue their operations – we would be so stupid and fool-hearty to imperil ourselves to take seriously the call for a more “humane” response by our American military in its engagement with an enemy, Al-Qaeda, that has only acted and behaved in the most vile, reprehensible, despicable anti-humane and anti-human ways it can think of towards the human race? By giving into Al-Qaeda, by giving into the liberal cry to disarm ourselves, disengage, disperse and disappear from the Middle East we would effectively be giving up on the human race itself and allowing Islamic perverts to gain control. How does that make any sense?
It is liberals who want us out of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan because they have bought into the lie that Al-Qaeda attacked America for one sole reason – America’s unwanted presence in the Middle East. In other words, if only America hadn’t been in the Middle East, if only America was not an ally of Israel, Al-Qaeda would not have attacked America on 9-11 and America would not have expended over a trillion dollars on the “War On Terror” and thousands of Americans soldiers would not have died for “Bush’s lie”. Although we know that to be a lie, still -
Liberals are playing right into the hands of Al-Qaeda whether they know it or not.
And Al-Qaeda is not so much concerned with whether or not America committed an “illegal” killing on an American citizen, which Awlaki was before he turned traitor and joined Al-Qaeda, than the terror group is concerned with America becoming more brazen in its war against them. Al-Qaeda is worried, and it has reason to fear and to live in its own terror. We killed Bin-Laden, Al-Qaeda’s number one. Awlaki is dead. And we will continue to seek out and kill those terrorists who take their place, even if they hold American citizenship. Suddenly, Al-Qaeda has no where to run, no where to hide where we would not find them, where we won’t go to find them – and kill them.
So of course Al-Qaeda is going to show its yellow stripes by whining and complaining that America is not “playing fair” in its war against them, all the while Al-Qaeda continues to plot more destruction, more murder, more chaos and indoctrinate and brainwash more Muslims into becoming homicide bombers.
Alwlaki’s death, as was Bin-Laden’s, is a victory for America, for morality, for the human race. Every time we kill Al-Qaeda members that too is a victory. And when every last member of Al-Qaeda is dead that too will be a victory for America, for morality, for the human race. For every time we kill Al-Qaeda, we kill the lie on which it is based and bring that much more peace and sanity back into the world.
We cannot back down, we cannot back away, we cannot back ourselves into the corner liberals are trying to paint us into. Only through our courage and resolve, our military might, our moral strength, will we push back against the real enemies of freedom, justice, human rights and of the human race – whether these enemies call themselves Al-Qaeda or whether these enemies call themselves liberals.
Filed under: politics Tagged: Al-Qaeda, Anwar al-Awlaki, Awlaki, islamic nazi fascists, Osama bin Laden, Politics, Terrorism, War On Terror