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Of Abortion, Muslim Crackpots, OWS Freaks, And Why Toting Guns Works


It’s Planned Parenthood’s, feminism’s and every pro-abortion rights, worst nightmare.  A woman with cancer gives up her own life to save the life of her unborn child.  It would have been so easy to have the abortion.  No one would have blamed Stacie Crimm for ending her pregnancy.  But she didn’t.  Even though the culture of death swirled around her, the pro-abortion powers that be were too slow in getting to Stacie, who still saw the value of human life, and still recognized that her unborn child was not merely a collection of cells devoid of value, devoid of life.

After Stacie collapsed at her home and was rushed to the hospital the decision was made by doctors to deliver baby.  Stacie was able to hold her baby once before succumbing to the head and neck cancer that took control of her body and wrapped itself around her brain stem.  It’s truly a sad day for all the Planned Parenthood and NOW supporters, NARAL cheerleaders and so called feminists as another pro-life story whittles down their long held lie of  “a woman’s body, a woman’s choice” takes on a whole new meaning never intended by these groups.  Indeed, a woman, Stacie, made a choice with her body.  But it was not the choice pro-abortion groups would have wanted her to make, even if she had not had cancer.  Choosing life is never the “choice” they want a woman to make.  Thank goodness for their increasing irrelevance.


Another Muslim was arrested for causing a disturbance on an airplane, shouting  “Allahu Akbar”, and allegedly trying to enter the cockpit.  What his aim was is still unresolved.  However, what is certain is that not enough attention is being paid to this type of irrational behavior among Muslims.  If it had been a Christian shouting “God is greatest”, he/she would have been labeled a crackpot and would have been satirized on Saturday Night Live and mocked on MSNBC by Chris Matthews and every one of its hosts.

Muslims get a pass too easily from their disturbing behavior, mostly because they are an unstable culture to begin with and have a long history of inciting violence every time their religion, and their religious values, are called to attention and denounced.  Remember the Muhammad cartoons, and the cartoon controversy here and what Muslims did in response to the cartoons?

Cowards like Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, et. al., will never fear mocking Christianity because Christians, by in large, are civil human beings who, although they may take offense at being ridiculed, have the type of self restraint Muslims don’t when it comes to defending their religion and their religious values.  Is it any wonder we take Muslims as “seriously” as we take liberals?  Is there any real difference between a crackpot Muslim shouting “Allahu Akbar” and a crackpot like Chris Matthews shouting, and spitting, anything anti-Christian?


Occupy Wall Street protesters are still going at it, and are as strong as ever.  Not in their anti-capitalist message (that never had any merit, or strength, to it to begin with).  But in their empty-headed message that Foxnews, conservatives, banks, the rich and even John Stossell is nothing more than “a son of a bitch”.

It is more than apparent that when it comes to shouting and chanting meaningless vitriol like that, when it comes to name calling, slurs, insults, etc., these mindless puppets on strings cannot be stopped.  Well, after-all it is easier to hurl a nasty remark at someone than engage in rational, thought provoking debate.  Imagine if culture and society could only survive on the type of scurrilous rhetoric being spewed by the OWS freaks.  What would that look like?  Watch MSNBC for twenty four hours straight and you will get an idea of what we would be in for.  Luckily, the easiest way to stop one of these protesters dead in their tracks, and speech, is to toss a provocative statement their way.  Intelligence, as with cleanliness, is not their best attribute.


And as we began with an inspiring story of life, and the value of life, so shall we end with another inspiring story of life, and the value of life – and how a gun helped save a life.

From Florida – a store manager has killed a robber who attempted to walk out of her store with her one year old daughter in his arms.  Her quick thinking led her to grab a gun from under the counter and shoot the robber before he could leave the store with her child.  He died later at the hospital.  What this animal would have done with the child had he gotten away, had this manager either not had a gun or had been brainwashed by, and bought into the lie of, the ACLU and other anti-gun, anti Second Amendment, anti-American rhetoric is anyone’s guess.  Thankfully she had a gun, she had a brain, and she used both.

This is one of those wonderful, feel-good stories that makes us all thankful we are Americans and we have the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, and why that right is so important to maintaining a free society.  Of course anti-gun nuts are hanging their heads in shame right now, and every time an American has the “audacity” to protect their family, their property with a gun.  For them, it would have been better if the robber had taken the child and gotten away, using her as a shield to protect his own worthless life if he needed.  What other alternative would there have been for the manager/mother?  Call the police and merely hope for the best?

Anti-gun activists (most of whom are also pro-abortion) cannot see the value in protecting life even if that means using deadly force.  For them, there is always the “sob story” to accompany a criminal’s motives behind their actions.  For them, there is always a legitimate reason for everything a criminal does.  For them, there is more understanding and compassion for the criminal rather than for the victim.

For the rest of us, however, and thankfully, we are not stupid.

Filed under: abortion, gun control, Islam, politics, War On Terror Tagged: abortion rights, ACLU, conservative blog, gun control, gun rights, Islam, Muhammad cartoons, occupy wall street, Politics, pro life issues, second amendment, War On Terror

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