It has always been understood that negotiating with terrorists inevitably, predictably casts a dark shadow over that line we wish not to cross over so that we cannot any longer know which side of the line we are on. Should we (that is, the Obama Administration) cave into a pressure that he would do well to ignore, and acquiesce to a demand by the Taliban, no less, and free a very dangerous Taliban criminal held in Gitmo (Guantanamo Bay) since 2002, in exchange for “peace”, whatever that “peace” means to the Taliban, Obama will have put the lives of all Americans and America’s allies in grave, literal, life-threatening jeopardy for years, perhaps generations, to come.
And that trade, one despicable, murderous Taliban soldier, Mohammed Fazl, for “peace”, is what Obama is contemplating right now. Such an act would set in motion a chain of horrific and unimaginable events.
Surrendering to terrorists only breeds more terrorists, once they recognize all they must do in order to fulfill their goals, and succeed in obtaining whatever it is they most desire, is to wreak havoc over an area, murder scores, hundreds, of people, raze and destroy buildings, infrastructure, etc, until we capitulate, until we bow to them, bend to their will, fall to our knees and beg for mercy. This is not how a mighty, a superior, empire deals with Taliban scum like this. But this is how Obama, President of the U.S.A., would.
At a time when we (America) ought yet to take up the sword against our enemies (Al-Qaeda and the Taliban), Obama (America’s Commander-in-Chief) would fall to his knees, relinquish America’s sovereignty to the Taliban, and all other terrorists and anti-American elements around the world who would seek to weaken America’s resolve, its military greatness, its nobleness.
If we are so quick to say, “enough is enough’, with regards to war and killing, as unpleasant and unsettling as it is necessary, what “peace” can come of it, when in exchange for that “peace” we are enslaved by, and swept into, emotional blackmail by terrorists and held hostage by the threat of more terrorism? The more we give into the demands of terrorists, the more we isolate ourselves from the rest of the world, which is exactly what they, the terrorists, want. In other words, the more we fear them, and fear to fight them, the freer they will be to conduct their terrorist activities wherever they want, to enslave nations of people, to usurp power for themselves, locally and throughout an entire region.
America, the great defender of freedom, will not be there to aid the people being subdued, conquered and slaughtered, because America, under one of our most weakest military Presidents, Barack Obama, will have already laid down its sword in exchange for “peace” with the Taliban. But, as with any terrorist, it is always a false peace.
What will happen to American’s reputation then, when we have no other option but to look the other way while terrorists commit their acts of violence, their atrocities, spreading ever deeper into areas once allied with America, but no longer under such protection or bonds of friendship with America? And once the terrorists have laid waste to our former allies, what will prevent them from laying waste to America itself? A “peace” accord? Do not be so surprised if, leading the charge against America, the first foot to step upon American soil is that of Mohammed Fazl himself.
A chain of events, begun with the release of one prisoner, comes full circle. We already know the consequences of releasing terrorists. They are stirred to commit more acts of terrorism, knowing weak minds crumble easily. Buying into the lie that negotiating with terrorists, and giving them what they want, will secure peace is very dangerous indeed. They will maintain a certain level of peace, outwardly. But only for a time, until they become more powerful, enough to wage an assault on American soil. Already we are dealing with the affects of home-grown terrorists.
What happens when terrorists are able to reach America’s shores and beyond? Considering Iran has already threatened to bring its warships to American shores, and the Obama administration has done or said nothing to indicate concern, if Iran’s navy is allowed to station itself so close to America, what will stop other anti-American nations from doing the same? What message is Obama sending to our enemies by remaining so silence on such matters of importance? Inaction does not instill peace. What happens when terrorists within America are freely able to join with terrorists outside of America looking for easy access into America’s interior?
All of these “what if’s” could be prevented, squashed even, if we would stop fearing peace with terrorists can only be obtained through negotiating with terrorists and giving into their demands, however bizarre. If we truly “have nothing to fear, but fear itself” – why do we fear?
So long as terrorists know and understand we, America, will exact a heavy toll against them for their homicidal actions, they will never have the upper hand. So long as terrorists know and understand we, America, will be there, fighting them, killing them, decimating their numbers, they will be, and remain, on the run, with nowhere in this world to hide. So long as this knowledge and understanding of our, America’s, resolve and intent, yet permeates, the Taliban, terrorists the world over, will not prevail.
But start releasing viscous, murderous ideologues back into the enemy’s camp; give them, the terrorists, reason to believe, give them cause to continue their madness, provide them with easily attainable leverage, such as hostages – they will rise to the occasion, they will be emboldened, and they will have nothing to fear, not even fear itself.
And once all fear of reprisal is removed, after the enemy moves in and takes over, with nothing to impede their progress, to stop them, that is how once great nations topple.
Think that can’t happen in America?
Filed under: politics, War On Terror Tagged: Al-Qaeda, Barack Obama, Guantánamo Bay, homegrown terrorsim, Mohammed Fazl, Obama Administration, Politics, Taliban, War On Terror