Honor killing – why haven’t American Muslims been more vocal, more outraged, more disgusted by this barbaric practice, tolerated under Sharia law, and which some Islamic followers have transported with them on their journey to Western Civilization? Could it be that, most American Muslims, in fact, support Sharia law, whether openly or not? Could it be that most American Muslims, if they had a choice, would abandon U.S. Constitutional law for Sharia law? Could it be that, most American Muslims, although they swear an oath of loyalty to America, when they become citizens, and renounce their allegiance to the country they left behind, are merely “mouthing” the pledge? That, in their hearts, they have no intention of really giving up anything with regards to Islam, knowing that the Qur’an dictates they “change secular laws to conform to sharia” law?
If none of this is true, why then are Muslims offended when American lawmakers push through anti-Sharia law bills? What is happening in England and across Europe as Muslims immigrate to Westernized, non-Islamic nations is startling. And what is even more startling is the gross arrogance which these Muslims bring with them. Why would a Muslim desire to leave the “paradise” of the Middle East, and move somewhere where one’s laws are bound by a nation’s constitution, not its Holy Book? How can Muslims not know (beforehand) that moving to a nation which does not recognize Sharia law, does not recognize the Qur’an as the only, the definitive law – and where it would be unconstitutional do so – would be so divisive and controversial? Why do Muslims move anywhere in the world, settle in, establish themselves – and them demand that nation accommodate their particular brand of laws and customs? And then, to make matters even more contentious, when that nation refuses – we have Muslims crying bigotry and Islamophobia.
UPDATE: This is what a fanatical Muslim father does to his wife when he finds out she has given birth to another girl. And this is exactly what Muslims want to bring to America.
America welcomes people from all over the world, and there isn’t a nation which is not represented here in America. However, this is not what is meant by “America’s Melting Pot”. The idea behind that was to bring in people from every corner of the world, where they – the immigrants – would assimilate into our society, our culture, our language, our laws and become Americans. That has failed to a large degree.
Where do immigrants get off thinking they can come here, to America, or anywhere, really, and expect a nation’s people will simply embrace and make room for their (the immigrants) culture by pushing one’s own culture aside? Especially if, in bringing with them their culture, religious beliefs and practices they – immigrants – both expect and demand we, Americans, would tolerate anything so barbaric, so repulsive and repugnant, inhumane and anti-human as honor killing and the law – Sharia – which condones, allows and protects it?
We have been fighting a War on Terror in the Middle East, in part, because groups of terrorists, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and others have found great offense in Western ideals (such as equality among the sexes, Christian influences, our clothing, literature, etc.) which have encroached upon their society. Although, the real “offense” is that American, and Western, notions of democracy, liberty and freedom are dangerous to those Muslims who hold power over people, and desire to keep that power. That is why we see in the news everyday that Muslims are being slaughtered by fellow Muslims who want more of the freedom and liberty enjoyed by Western Civilizations, and less of religious dictatorship and oppression they have been enslaved to for many, many generations. And yet, what is puzzling is when Muslims do migrate, they still bring with them that same desire for religious dictatorship and Islamic law to America and elsewhere.
If the Qur’an dictates Muslims move into areas of the world which are non-Muslim and begin to systematically dismantle their host’s laws and replace those laws with Islamic laws and codes, and if Muslims really take to heart this dictate of the Qur’an – we have a very serious problem on our hands, in America, and elsewhere in the world where Muslims have immigrated and are beginning to demand their laws, and Sharia, be recognized. Sharia is incompatible with America’s Constitution. And while, in theory, there can never be Sharia law in America, because every American citizen is guaranteed the rights under it, including American Muslims, in reality more and more activist judges (all of who are liberals and leftists) are siding with Muslims who want to be tried under Sharia law rather than American law.
It is a very dangerous precedent. One which, if allowed to progress, will see a dramatic spike in honor killings, in the repression and oppression of women and girls and deaths sentences for gays, Muslim to Christian converts, stonings and whatever else Sharia law in Islamic controlled nations already cover – but right here in America.
We, as Americans, have a right, and an urgent need, to rise up and put a stop to this immediately. We, as Americans, have a right to be concerned that Muslims are immigrating to America not to become Americans but instead to corrupt American law, our Constitution and replace both with Islamic Sharia law. Either American Muslims embrace America law or they embrace Sharia law. Muslims cannot have both. They must decide which law they want. And if they decide Sharia law, then Americans must decide how we will respond to having our laws overrun, overruled, overtaken by that law – Sharia – which can only be described as malicious, degrading, offensive, anti freedom and liberty and absolutely unacceptable and reprehensible.
Or – are we, as Americans, willing to relinquish those freedoms and liberties to a portion of citizens for fear we might offend them if we speak out against their barbaric, unconstitutional laws? And – are we, as Americans, willing to sit back, idly, apathetically, and watch as those barbaric laws, under Sharia, creep closer and closer to us, into our communities and neighborhoods, our schools and other public institutions – and into our courts and courtrooms until finally even we, as Americans, are being tried and convicted under Sharia law?
Remember – the Qur’an dictates Muslims conquer the “infidel”. When Christians take their scripture literally they are called crackpots and laughed at, and ridiculed incessantly and without mercy. When Muslims take their scripture seriously, and are laughed at and ridiculed, such as with the Mohammad cartoons, Muslims go on the warpath and slaughter innocent people in the name of Islam.
And the same left, the same liberals in America, and elsewhere, that decry Sharia law when it is practiced in the Middle East and wherever Islam is the predominant religion, are either silent on Sharia law when it is allowed to be practiced in Western civilizations, or they, the left (which includes the MSM, the mainstream media) comes to the aid of those Muslims who demand Sharia law be given clearance, calling such people bigots and islamophobes. Why? Because the people in America, and elsewhere, who are fighting to keep Sharia law from taking hold in their communities are virtually all conservatives. In other words, the liberals arch nemesis.
But it’s a dangerous game liberals are playing. Once Sharia law is firmly established in America, what is to stop Muslims from enacting pro-Islamic laws that are counter to the freedoms and liberties guaranteed under the American Constitution? What becomes of the American Constitution if Sharia law takes hold? What becomes of us, who oppose Sharia law in America, once there is no way to remove it? For that matter – what becomes of the liberals who so passionately defended Sharia law in America, hoping in doing so it would weaken conservatism at the same time?
While Sharia law fully condones honor killings, and executing “defiant” women and girls, gays, Christians, Jews and other “infidels”, Sharia law has absolutely no tolerance for anything anti-Muslim, anti-Islamic. That includes both American conservatism and liberalism. And after liberals have defeated conservatism (as a “what if” scenario), at the expense of supporting Sharia law in America, who will come to the aid of liberals when Muslims come after them. And they will.
What do we, any of us, think, or hope, we will gain by not taking up this fight against Sharia law in America? The gratitude of a hand shake from the same people who will demand we either convert to Islam or be beheaded; and the same hand, which we shook, which will hold the sword over our head, awaiting which decision we choose?
And, if, after acceding to Sharia law in America, we again choose poorly? Is advancing Sharia law in America really worth losing our heads?
Filed under: Islam, politics, religion, War On Terror Tagged: American Muslims, honor killings, Islamic law, Islamic terrorism, judicial activism, Politics, religion, Sharia law, sharia law in America, War On Terror