Muslims went ballistic and killed people when a cartoon depicting the Prophet Mohammad was published . Muslims went ballistic and killed people when Qur’ans were burned. A new photograph has surfaced which might just incite renewed violence, mayhem and murder. It was originally removed by a disgruntled Muslim woman who found the photograph to be insulting to her and her religion. Now that it has been replaced for viewing, will more Muslims use this as a call to arms, and as another reason, another excuse, to continue their bloodshed, their war on terror?
Judge for yourself:
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Filed under: Islam, politics, religion, War On Terror Tagged: art, controversial photo, Islam, Muslims, Niqab bra photo, obscene photography, photography, Politics, Prophet Mohammad, Quran, religious art, Sooraya Graham, Sooraya Graham bra, Sooraya Graham bra photo, War On Terror